En Kyle, l’auxiliar de conversa de l’escola
Aquest semestre a l’escola hem tingut l’oportunitat de tenir un auxiliar de conversa, en Kyle Paisley, un noi d’Escòcia que ha participat en les activitats del centre aquests últims mesos i ha interactuat amb nosaltres especialment durant les classes d’anglès.
Aquesta iniciativa s’ha dut a terme per a contribuir en la millora de la parla anglesa i potenciar l’ús d’aquesta llengua a l’escola. Per part dels alumnes, hi ha hagut una molt bona resposta respecte la incorporació d’en Kyle i considerem molt positiu el fet de poder conversar i interactuar amb un nadiu de parla anglesa. A més,també hem pogut conèixer diverses coses de la cultura britànica, concretament de la part d’Escòcia.
De cara a l’any que ve, l’escola vol oferir-nos aquesta oportunitat a l’alumnat durant tot el curs. A continuació, podeu llegir una entrevista que dos alumnes de 3r d’ESO li vam fer a en Kyle l’últim dia de curs.
Good morning, Kyle. We are Arnau Comte and Adaia Flotats and we are going to interview you. Let’s start. How was your overall experience here?
My overall experience here in Solsona was great, fantastic.
Why did you decide to come here?
Because of the sun, but it wasn’t any sun, so I was a bit upset about that. No, no… I’m joking. It seemed like a great opportunity to help people with their English and also get to travel at the same time as well.
How did you contact the school?
There’s a company in Barcelona and they put me in contact with the school.
Is the school as you imagined it?
Difficult question… Yes, I suppose so. A lot of outdoor activities because you have the nice weather and maybe a bit more relaxed than the schools in Britain.
What’s the hardest thing of being a speaking assistant?
Sometimes you have to repeat the same conversation a lot and it can be quite tiring.
And what’s the thing you have most enjoyed about being a speaking assistant?
Getting to talk with all the students and this means a lot of jokes, so it’s been really funny.
When you leave, what will you be doing?
In summer, probably just relax in Scotland and then in September I will go to study a master’s degree in London.
What is the best memory you’re taking home?
Oh, this is a difficult one. I’d say there’s no best memory… I really enjoyed all my time. Today is really nice, here at the swimming pool.
Is it hard to live in a country where people speak a different language and have a different culture?
Yes, sometimes. The culture, the food and the time of eating are very different, so it’s very late and sometimes I get very hungry when I’m waiting to eat at 9 or 10 o’clock in the evening. But it’s ok… And with the language, occasionally it can be difficult when you don’t understand if I go out with other people and they are speaking in Catalan and I can’t understand, it’s quite difficult sometimes.
And, finally, are the young boys and girls our age as you imagined them to be?
Yes… I guess so. Maybe in every culture everyone is different, but here you have quite a nice culture and everyone has been so nice. Maybe a lot better behaved than I expected, everyone has been great.
That’s all. Thank you very much.